Study to assess the utilization and impact of corporate enterprise supplier development funds in South Africa (Department of Trade and Industry and B-BBEE Advisory CouncilL 2018)

January 25, 2020

Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA): Learner Tracer Study and Impact Evaluation: (2019).

January 25, 2020

National Treasury: Jobs Fund & Buhle Farmers Academy: Evaluation of the Buhle Mondi Farmer Development Project (2019)

January 25, 2020

Phaklamani Foundation: Summative Evaluation of Jobs Funded micro-finance initiative: Creating Micro-Jobs for Rural Women in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa (for Government Technical Advisory Centre: National Treasury (2018).

January 25, 2020

Design and Diagnostic Evaluation of Agricultural Economic Services Programme (Western Cape Provincial government: Department of Agriculture. 2016)

January 25, 2020