Client: Mnquma Municipality
The purpose of the Mnquma Master Plan (based in the Eastern Cape with Butterworth as the main town) is to provide a long term planning and decision-making framework to improve the quality of life through accelerated sustainable economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction in Mnquma from 2009 to 2025. The Master Plan provides the following elements of a decision-making framework which can focus the decisions of all role-players so as to impact positively on Mnquma’s long-term development: 1. A preferred long term development scenario for Mnquma’s development 2. A vision of Mnquma’s long term development as informed by this scenario 3. A set of long term development goals 4. A set of preliminary programmes objectives and strategic initiatives to achieve these goals The Mnquma Master plan has been developed with wide-spread input from key provincial and local stakeholders in the public and private sectors and involved an extensive participatory process to develop long term development scenarios that had local buy-in and understanding . Between 2009 and 2025, three five year scenario path-ways, together with strategic initiatives, for Mnquma’s development have been identified: • 2009-2014: Building a Strong Foundation for Growth and Poverty Reduction • 2014-2019: Becoming a Sustainable Bio-Region • 2019-2025 Becoming a Life-style region of choice