The Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT) Red Tape Reduction Unit appointed Impact Economix to work with five local municipalities in the West Coast District (Saldanha Bay, Matzikama, Bergrivier) to reduce red tape affecting business locally. A total of 15 red tape reduction workshops were facilitated (3 workshops per municipality). Action plans were developed jointly by local business represntatives and municipal officials to address the following red tape issues: improving Business-Municipal communication; improving access to informal trading spaces in town centres; improving the building plan approval process by forming a Municipal Building Plan Approval Committee consisting of all key departments as well as appointing a plans examiner based in the municipal Building Control unit to pre-screen draft applications before these are submitted to the Building Control Unit for full assessment and approval, or to have a designated departmental official in every relevant municipal department, to handle the pre-approval of building plans before they are submitted to the Building Control Unit for approval.; improving processes to maintain business hives; improving Supply Chain Management processes for supplier registrationl improving informal trading licence application processes to reflect the draft Informal Trading policy (and Standard Operating Procedures) Two red tape reduction case studies were also drafted.